Heres help if you can't get editor to appear / open on Mac
Mar 3, 2019 7:07:30 GMT
kirkwoodwest likes this
Post by starsky on Mar 3, 2019 7:07:30 GMT
The guys at Linne should be ashamed of themselves. Im sure hundreds of people have wasted hours trying to figure it out because they have no videos or support or manual. Your issue is the same as mine and I spent many hours so pissed cause it just would not work. It is user error. You need to follow an exact sequence or the editor will jump off screen or disappear. Its shit code they have written and its because they could give a hoot about any of their users. Whomever was in charge of Liine should just turn over the code to us so we can get it fixed and updated. Anyway here's the issue for anyone having similar problems.
1. Make sure you have the latest downloads from Lline and Place the Daemon and editor on your desktop.
2. Download the Liine app to your iPad. If you don't own line yet I wouldn't buy it because who knows how much longer it will work. the devs are asshats.
3. Make sure your computer and iPad are on the same wifi network. You don't need add-hoc or any special networking garbaggio. Just same wifi network.
When you open program if it doesn't open make sure you go to systems prefs - security check the box allowing macos to open the program.
(now go launch lemur on iPad and let it just hang out.)
Back on Mac
2.) You will see a little midi circle in the upper right sys tray menu bar on your Mac . Right click Select setup lemur daemon
3.) Click the add button
4. Select Daemon Midi in and double click it Select Daemon Output 0 double click it. You should now see your iPad in the list double click it
5. Select lemur in 0 and select it. Now hit select and your first channel is paired up.
You need to repeat these steps for each input output you want to use mapping them to your iPad. Once your done your ready to edit
The setup daemon isn't at all intuitive - all the settings are there you just need to double click on things or use the little arrows to the left of the words.
YOU MUST SET UP THE DAEMON FIRST or the EDITOR WILL DO NOTHING. If there is no connection your only option will be to quit the editor nothing will work if you can even see the window. I think the devs thought they were being clever by making the editor window disappear if you didn't have a connection. Thats speculation but has cause hundreds of peoples time because they have no clue how to laugh a public product.
Once the daemon is set and your channels are mapped you can launch the editor.
Select the play button in the upper right of the editor - you will see your iPad and its IP address. select it and hit connect.
You should be able to program now!
Hope this helps someone - The people at line obviously don't care how people are negatively impacted by their crappy implementation. Its unfortunate because the software could be amazing for a ton of stuff if it just had a company with a clue behind it. A user friendly intro video on how to get started would be a great first step.
If someone from LLIne reads this drop me a line. I would be willing to buy the code from you and get it developed properly - I would need to rebrand it because you guys have 8 years of taking peoples money without a working product in your bag. Karma can be tricky.
1. Make sure you have the latest downloads from Lline and Place the Daemon and editor on your desktop.
2. Download the Liine app to your iPad. If you don't own line yet I wouldn't buy it because who knows how much longer it will work. the devs are asshats.
3. Make sure your computer and iPad are on the same wifi network. You don't need add-hoc or any special networking garbaggio. Just same wifi network.
When you open program if it doesn't open make sure you go to systems prefs - security check the box allowing macos to open the program.
(now go launch lemur on iPad and let it just hang out.)
Back on Mac
2.) You will see a little midi circle in the upper right sys tray menu bar on your Mac . Right click Select setup lemur daemon
3.) Click the add button
4. Select Daemon Midi in and double click it Select Daemon Output 0 double click it. You should now see your iPad in the list double click it
5. Select lemur in 0 and select it. Now hit select and your first channel is paired up.
You need to repeat these steps for each input output you want to use mapping them to your iPad. Once your done your ready to edit
The setup daemon isn't at all intuitive - all the settings are there you just need to double click on things or use the little arrows to the left of the words.
YOU MUST SET UP THE DAEMON FIRST or the EDITOR WILL DO NOTHING. If there is no connection your only option will be to quit the editor nothing will work if you can even see the window. I think the devs thought they were being clever by making the editor window disappear if you didn't have a connection. Thats speculation but has cause hundreds of peoples time because they have no clue how to laugh a public product.
Once the daemon is set and your channels are mapped you can launch the editor.
Select the play button in the upper right of the editor - you will see your iPad and its IP address. select it and hit connect.
You should be able to program now!
Hope this helps someone - The people at line obviously don't care how people are negatively impacted by their crappy implementation. Its unfortunate because the software could be amazing for a ton of stuff if it just had a company with a clue behind it. A user friendly intro video on how to get started would be a great first step.
If someone from LLIne reads this drop me a line. I would be willing to buy the code from you and get it developed properly - I would need to rebrand it because you guys have 8 years of taking peoples money without a working product in your bag. Karma can be tricky.