Feb 24, 2019 19:43:04 GMT
Post by joebataz on Feb 24, 2019 19:43:04 GMT
Folks, where did all the old posts go? I had quite a few and here I am again after a year or so hiatus. Running into my least favorite thing; CAPTCHAs. Anyway here's my question; I have some vectors setup with Numbers and Names. I have a couple of scripts which take a number and return a name as in BankName(HLB), HLB is a variable and I get back a character string corresponding to HLB. So to get it to work in a Monitor I use as the monitor string BankName[HLB] and that works. Now I want to instead have HLB be a vector. So I should be able to use subarray(HLB,0,1) to get the first number in the vector as in BankName[subarray{HLB,0,1}] but it doesn't work and I've been unable to figure out the correct syntax. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
thanks, joeb
Post by xPsycHoWasPx on Feb 24, 2019 21:17:41 GMT
joebataz Hi this forum have nothing to do with liine company or the old forum. Liine deleted there forums over half year ago. Without a any reason why. So after a while I decided to create this new forum that hopefully some day will grow bigger as long the lemur community is alive. So this forum should be considered a fresh start.
Feb 24, 2019 22:03:51 GMT
Post by xPsycHoWasPx on Feb 24, 2019 22:03:51 GMT
About your problem.
Without knowing how your script ”BankName(’input’) works I can't tell why your array don't work.
But if your goal is to get a single value out of ”HLB” and in your case u say the first value then HLB[0] is simpler to do, the subarray is only needed if u want a slice of the array, not needed for single vakuea . And putting an array into an [ ] will just make use the first value from the array used as vector pointer. So if you u want use first value of HLB as pointer in the bankname array BankName[ HLB[0] ] Is the syntax you are looking for.
But it confuses me a bit that you first refer BankName as a script returning a name or value based on what input in the ( ) this case (HLB) Then u mention BankName afterwards as an expression/array since you want to do bankname[HLB].
If BankName(HLB) was how it original was executed, ain't BankName( HLB[0] ) more what you are looking for. Or if BankName returns an array and u want first value from that then BankName(HLB)[0] Is how u do that.
And if none of this fixes your problem, I just don't fully understand your question. And some more info about BankName script would be needed.
Peace PsycHoWasP
Feb 26, 2019 2:20:24 GMT
Post by joebataz on Feb 26, 2019 2:20:24 GMT
Nah, you're good. I'm just getting back used to the syntax again. And I confused myself at least twice as much as I did you. Plus the daemon thing just hates me and I was twisted over that. So.... I got the code sort of working or at least am headed in the right direction.I've been using subarray to get what I want it's just getting a little hairy jumping between objects and remembering where I need to specify paths. Again, no biggie. Went back to using Network Session 1 to connect but that brings up the whole iPad dropping the connection thing but I can live with that. But now I've got a whole new set of issues that I used to talk quite a bit about with some of the liine guys but the fact that they had fell off the planet kind of sucks, so here goes. I sort of understand how Lemur runs inside of frames and loops aren't REAL loops especially when timing is a concern. Gonna open a new thread this quoick reply is getting full.
thx joeb