The end of this year, a few friends and I are looking to recreate much of lemur functionality in the GoDot game engine.
We have already successfully sent and received OSC from our first app! It'd be great to welcome others here into the development.
Still very early stages yet, but can set up a git repo if there is enough interest.
To recreate something similar to lemur would not be a giant undertaking! We believe with GoDot, we can go far... far beyond.
Sounds good :-)
No need to rush it either.
Midi 2.0 are still at the final stage before it is made standard(few months from now), and they will release all the doc for how to implement in your own apps.
If you ask me this is where a new lemur app could attract the costumers besides the old lemur users.
What I understand is it will take the sysex part and take it to the next level, like OSC (Text arrays, float values etc)
Like recalling all parameters of a hardware device that supports it will be done a lot simpler, and at speed of OSC/Network.
OSC is awesome, but it never really became the standard it could have been.
Midi 1.0 is still the king for a lot of reasons, but once they decide the finals for 2.0
There will properly be good PR in just the fact u can say Yes we support midi 2.0.
The past 1 year I'm been in the biggest dilemma what to do if Lemur gets taken off the App Store.
Lemur is just perfect for me to take all my crazy ideas and make them into something I can fool with in no time...
nothing quite does what lemur does once u understand it all / scripting.
All the other wannabe apps, suffer to many issues like either scripting is limited to the objects you program for, or gui is limited.
I even found an app doin all lemur does + normal images , canvas ect.. but NO EXTERNAL EDITOR.... why I wanna sit and build it all by iPad only... and scripting on iPad screen pffft..
I just love how Lemur mixed objects setup / variables, as something you see and move around, and not just variables written in some code..
(some i do wish u could make init scripts that auto decl variables(expressions) for you, like a coder would do but still be able to watch em after like you do now..)
Same goes with all the scripting, instead of one big script with a "def method" as your scripts, they have they own visual object.
but again I wish that sometimes lemur would have a "Header Script" that could define methods/objects and they could be called same way u call from the script objects like u do now, with the exception that u could make whole callable strings into variables that could be called
var.append(whatever) ,
or the method you are calling allows you to do.
I did a little research lately how you could build your own midi applications
and most point at using a Game Engine.
so at that point I think something like your GoDot would be a good start.
only drawback I see in using these game engines, is they are FPS based meaning everything done is limited to 60 fps. Since most devices only run at that max refresh rate.
touch-vice it would be no problem, lemur is held back by the same 60 fps limitation.
I just noticed when using something like JUCE / PROJUCER (only tested the samples you got with it, and exported as IOS App) the midi events hat no real FPS(porpperly still some fps limits) but it looked more like when I'm turning a Knob on a midi controller(they are not limited by FPS, even my old BCR2000 makes really smooth automation curves, while lemur u can easy see on 1 sec passed the automation is only made of 60 points, while real midi knob hat 1000s of points within that 1 sec).
but atleast the scripts in lemur are not limited to that when sending loads info that aint based on touch movement. FPS.
Technical the "Projucer" is like using an Lemur interface, the only problem is you first need to develop all the modules, like Pads/Switches/Canvas window and so on, before you can get the lemurish feeling of building interfaces.
But once that nut is cracked there is no platform u can't export your stuff 2.
but of course the "Producer" wouldn't be the solution itself, but its good alternative to the GameEngines.
But for now I will be looking forward to see what you guys will achieve with a game-engine like Godot.
Until then lets try Kick Liine as much we can in the Ass and see if we can get there rotten corpses to move again...
And just try support each other as much we can on this forum.